Tag: Kindergarten

Kindergarten Writing Printables

Kindergarten Writing Printables

Free Kindergarten Monthly Writing printables I hang these in a proud place in my classroom! Throughout the year as they complete the monthly writing, I place the newest piece on top. During our writing conferences I can easily pop the stack off the board and…

First Day of School Sign

First Day of School Sign

Free Printable First Day of Kindergarten signs I like to make and print a sign for my own kids at home as well as my class at school. They make for adorable first day pictures. This year I decided to change it up for a…

Anecdotal Notes

Anecdotal Notes

How to easily record growth and learning in Kindergarten

I make a giant grid on google- I usually put an overall expectation at the top (I make one of these sheets for each overall expectation that we are planning on reporting on during the term) and I put the specific expectations at the bottom for easy reference.  I also make these for our specialist teachers at the beginning of each term so they know what they are responsible for reporting on. Each student’s name goes in a box, alphabetical by first name. I actually have used sticky notes on it when I have lots to say or to store exit tickets from some guided reading activities. Each adult in our classroom is given a clipboard with these charts on them and when they hear or observe something applicable that can go in the box, they can jot it down.

They look like this when they are freshly printed:

This ensures that throughout the term we get anecdotal notes on these expectations without having to scramble at the end towards reporting time. This works really well for our term. Hopefully it will work amazingly awesome for you! Click the g+ below to make yourself a copy of my template!

If you want to see other ways we record learning and growth in Kindergarten, check out this article that includes free google templates to create your own record keeping superstar- your class lists!

How to set up your class lists to be organized in Kindergarten all year
How to set up your class lists to be organized in Kindergarten all year. Click the picture to bring you to the post!

If you want to know how I break down the Kindergarten Document so I’m not trying to record progress on every expectation all the time, sign up for my Newsletter and a link to my two- year long range plans will be automatically mailed to you!

The Easiest way to be an Organized Kindergarten Teacher

The Easiest way to be an Organized Kindergarten Teacher

Class Lists for Kindergarten You might be surprised that I do not have a super complicated organization system in Kindergarten- but there is a fantastic reason for that.  My students need ALL my time.  There are typically a LOT of them.  Many of them have…

What to bring to Kindergarten the First Day of School

What to bring to Kindergarten the First Day of School

What to send with your child for their first full day of Kindergarten Going off to Kindergarten has always been one of the biggest milestones for both children and their parents.  Your school may send out a supply list before school, or after, but these…

Help! I’m a Kindergarten Teacher!

Help! I’m a Kindergarten Teacher!

Don’t Panic- Here is What You Need to Do First.

Whether you are excited or terrified- it’s going to be okay. Kindergarten is the most amazing place to teach.  I know so many teachers that ended up there accidentally at first, and now they will never leave! I decided to teach Kindergarten when I was eight, and I was right- it is the best. This article will guide you to a great start to the first things you need to do to get yourself ready to teach Kindergarten.

Step 1: Know what you will be teaching.

Find your province, state or country’s Kindergarten Curriculum document.  Most are available to be viewed online, and they make it tricky to get a hard copy mailed to you.  But do it! You should be referring to it all year.  Ours is HUGE- and has some great information, but if you are starting in days- or hours- flip to the expectations part and read through to get the gist of what they want you to report on.  These are the documents that we use right now in Ontario.

The Kindergarten Program Curriculum Document for Ontario, Canada
The Growing Success Kindergarten Addendum Curriculum Document for Ontario, Canada

Step 2: Know what you will really be teaching.

You will be teaching things that most curriculum documents forget that you need to teach.  Our Ontario document actually focuses ¾ of the program on non-academic skills, which are vitally important to the development of the whole child.  But with most curriculums, it is best to just accept that most of your focus at least initially will have very little to do with what we are mandated to teach.  You will be teaching things like a) why we don’t lick our friends b) how to not stab your classmate with a pencil accidentally or on purpose even if he is making an annoying noise, and c) what does a quiet line actually mean.  It’s a lot.  And these things are really important if you want to teach any of the things you read about in your curriculum document! For more on this, read what I teach in Kindergarten the first Day including a free printable teaching checklist for the first day and first week.

Step 3: Make contact with your team.

I am so fortunate that in addition to having the loveliest Registered Early Childhood Educator (RECE) as my teaching partner in my classroom, I also work with 5 other Kindergarten teachers, and 5 other RECE’s, not to mention fantastic specialist teachers.  Meet yours! Find out what has worked well at the school, areas for improvement and the culture of the Kindergarten department.  Flying solo? Find out who teaches prep with you or the Grade one teacher and see what you can learn from a chat with them.  Our colleagues are one of our very greatest assets.  If you don’t have any colleagues, I’ll be your proxy teaching partner.

I’m so happy that you are getting to be a Kindergarten teacher, too. I hope you love it as much as I do.

DIY Alphabet Garland

DIY Alphabet Garland

How to make an alphabet garland for your classroom I love having my students create most of the decor for my classroom.  However, I don’t love the idea of them walking into a room that looks like it could really use some love.  Now you…

What I Teach the First Day of Kindergarten

What I Teach the First Day of Kindergarten

The Routines I teach on the first day and first week of Kindergarten for a calm and smooth start to the year.