Hi. I’m Kelly Buchanan, the Ms. Bee of Ms. Bee Teaches. Here I want you to be the teacher that has time to listen, to build community and to truly teach kindness, self-regulation, empathy, confidence, and the joy of learning. I have devoted my whole career (over 25 years now!) to teach mostly Kindergarten. I’ve taught in Canada and the USA in private and public schools in inner city, rural communities, and affluent suburbs. As a busy teacher, mom, wife, friend, guide leader and mentor, I know that educators are time strapped and looking for balance, without sacrificing excellence. Whether you are a new teacher, new to kindergarten, or a veteran like me, I can set you up for your most successful year yet.
Want to have the best school year ever? Subscribe to my blog and be ready for transformative content that takes your classroom from a sticky mess to a thriving hive of happy, engaged and empathetic students that you truly know. Be kind to yourself.